Thursday, March 30, 2017

Seasonal Balloons: The Perfect Accessory for Your Wedding Decoration

You already know that balloons are commonly found at wedding receptions and sometimes used as decoration for the actual ceremony. However, not all weddings take place during the same season. For that reason, you may be interested in choosing the appropriate balloons based on the season in which your wedding is planned. That way, everything will coordinate beautifully.

Keep in mind that with balloons, there are no rights or wrongs as to what color, shape, size, or design you choose. However, if you want to incorporate balloons into your wedding festivities to coordinate with the season, then you need to make the right selection.

As an example, if your upcoming wedding is planned for the spring, pastel colored balloons would be ideal. Whether choosing single balloons or actual bouquets, you have an incredible selection of colors, including pink, teal, white, yellow, and soft green or blue. If preferred, you can stick to one or two colors, or go all out and use wedding balloons in every pastel color for your wedding decorations.

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Contact Details:

Balloons Online
Unit 6, 6685 Pacific Circle ,
Mississauga , ON

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

How Long do Mylar Balloons Keep Afloat?

Mylar balloons, otherwise referred to as foil balloons, are comprised of two layers of materials. At the base is the Mylar, which is a type of nylon. Covering that is the outer layer, which is thin aluminum. Whether interested in a single balloon, or purchasing balloons in bulk, you have a wide range of exciting colors, sizes, shapes, and graphics. However, the one thing that makes these balloons so fun is that unlike latex balloons that quickly deflate, they stay afloat for a long time.

This means that regardless if you buy foil balloons, heart-shaped balloons, or even personalised balloons, those made of Mylar will provide more enjoyment. This is just one reason why so many people prefer these balloons for children’s birthday parties, although they work for all kinds of different events and celebrations.

As for float time, this varies based on different factors. However, you can expect for this type of balloon to last up to four days on average. One factor has to do with size. For example, if you choose a larger balloon that measures 18 inches, it can easily stay afloat for as long as three weeks whereas a smaller balloon would not provide the same amount of float time.

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Contact Details:

Balloons Online
Unit 6, 6685 Pacific Circle ,
Mississauga , ON

Friday, March 24, 2017

Feel the Holiday Spirit with Holiday Balloons

Beyond the seven major holidays, including New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, are many others in between. Regardless if you are someone who tends to go all out or you have decided that you want to start making more of an effort to create a festive home environment when decorating for the holidays, never overlook the value of holiday balloons.

There are multiple ways to incorporate balloons into your holiday home decorations. As a prime example, you can choose anniversary balloons for decoration based on color, shape, size, character, or design. If your goal is to make the home fun and vibrant for young children, balloons in the shape of elves, teddy bears, snow globes, wrapped presents, and candy would be ideal.
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Contact Details:

Balloons Online
Unit 6, 6685 Pacific Circle ,
Mississauga , ON

Monday, March 20, 2017

Why Character Balloons are so Famous Among Every Age

Character balloons are no different than cartoons and sweet cereal in that people of all ages enjoy them. Whether people want to admit it or not, everyone has a small child inside just waiting for an opportunity to come out. For some, Mylar balloons with fun characters are reminiscent of a fond childhood memory while for others, they are simply fun. Either way, balloons are the perfect solution for spicing up any celebration.

In particular, balloons made of Mylar are a favorite among people of all ages. Not only will these balloons stay afloat anywhere from four days to several weeks, if not months under the right condition, there is an incredible choice of characters. This includes a host of characters from Disney and Star Wars, as well as Scooby Doo, superheroes, princesses, animals, and the list goes on.

Along with a huge selection of Mylar balloons with characters, there are also latex balloons. These balloons are available in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes. Some of the more popular choices include those shaped like smiley faces, butterflies, animals, clowns, insects, dragons, and mermaids, among many others. Although these balloons do not stay afloat as long as those made from Mylar, if high quality, they will still last for days.

Contact Details:

Balloons Online
Unit 6, 6685 Pacific Circle ,
Mississauga , ON